June 8, 2023
The IMS-K-Cryo-LFN Integrated Measurement Solution is a combination of FormFactor's Cryogenic Wafer Probers (multiple system options available) together with Keysight's Advanced Low-Frequency Noise Analyzer (A-LFNA).
June 8, 2023
The IMS-K-Cryo-LFN Integrated Measurement Solution is a combination of FormFactor's Cryogenic Wafer Probers (multiple system options available) together with Keysight's Advanced Low-Frequency Noise Analyzer (A-LFNA).
The IMS-K-Cryo-LFN Integrated Measurement Solution is a combination of FormFactor’s Cryogenic Wafer Probers (multiple system options available) together with Keysight’s Advanced Low-Frequency Noise Analyzer (A-LFNA).
The IQ3000 Cryogenic Wafer Prober is an advanced, fully-automated probe station offering exceptional features for precise measurements. It provides cryogenic temperature control from 4 K to 120 K, and an ultra-low noise environment with remarkable temperature stability of approximately 100 mK. The IQ3000 boasts rapid time-to-data, with a wafer cooldown time of just 15 minutes from 300 K to 4 K. High throughput testing and unattended operation are facilitated by the sophisticated Velox™ software suite and fully automated wafer loading, supporting batch testing of up to 50 wafers.
The Keysight A-LFNA is a cutting-edge solution designed for precise low-frequency noise measurements. The A-LFNA offers fast, accurate, and repeatable measurements of low-frequency noise (LFN) and Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) on a wide range of device types. Its tight integration with PathWave WaferPro (WaferPro Express) software enables seamless control of automated probe stations, allowing for efficient mass wafer mapping of noise data. The A-LFNA consists of a module paired with a PXIe computer and digitizer, ensuring reliable and clean device biasing and noise signal conditioning.
This integrated system is designed for Ultra Low Noise (ULN) measurements at cryogenic temperatures ranging from room temperature down to below 4 K, enabling precise on-wafer measurements in extreme environments. Some general applications of this system include:
This solution will be discussed at the upcoming IMS Show – June 11 – 16, 2023 – in San Diego, California. Catch Cryogenic Applications Engineer, Brandon Boiko’s workshop on Sunday, June 11 at 5:00 PM entitled, “Scaling Measurement Methodologies Using Cryogenic TaaS Framework for Higher Quality cryo-LNAs and Reliable Qubit Readout Chains” or come by Booth 843 to learn more. For other FormFactor presentations and workshops at IMS 2023, check out this recent blog post.