January 17, 2023
You can partner with FormFactor to build custom probing solutions and collect the valuable cryogenic data you need. Whether it’s at 4 K or < 50 mK, we will work with you to solve your unique test and measurement challenges.
January 17, 2023
You can partner with FormFactor to build custom probing solutions and collect the valuable cryogenic data you need. Whether it’s at 4 K or < 50 mK, we will work with you to solve your unique test and measurement challenges.
Cryogenic systems are a major investment. Long waits for data can slow down development cycles and hinder production schedules. FormFactor offers a range of cryogenic test and measurement solutions to quantum engineers. Cryogenic test services allow you to avoid the high upfront capital cost of a complete system, enable immediate access to cryogenic data, and ensure you are obtaining the data you need to advance your program.
You can partner with FormFactor to build custom probing solutions and collect the valuable cryogenic data you need. Whether it’s at 4 K or < 50 mK, we will work with you to solve your unique test and measurement challenges.
Our Cryogenic Test as a Service allows you to…
The full test service process may take as little as 4 weeks depending on the complexity of the probing solution. We are committed to working closely with you to provide the fastest time to data.
Getting started is pretty straight-forward, with a four-step process. The four steps in our test services process are feasibility, quotation, preparation, and implementation. During the first phase we will work with you to understand the challenges and recommend the proper solution. In the second phase we will define a probing solution, configure the experiment, and develop a test plan. At this point a proposal is generated and submitted. Once accepted, a test date is reserved, and preparation begins. We will manufacture, set up, and evaluate your probing solution prior to the test date.
Take a virtual tour of our Advanced Cryogenic Lab in Boulder, Colorado at the link below and learn more about Cryogenic Test as a Service for advanced quantum development.
For more information on Cryogenic Test as a Service, download the brochure. You can also review these blog posts: