June 16, 2022
FormFactor will be attending and presenting at the upcoming International Microwave Symposium (IMS) on June 19-24 in Denver, Colorado. Come see us at Booth 8030 and bookmark your show agenda for the following presentations.
June 16, 2022
FormFactor will be attending and presenting at the upcoming International Microwave Symposium (IMS) on June 19-24 in Denver, Colorado. Come see us at Booth 8030 and bookmark your show agenda for the following presentations.
Join us next week at IMS in Denver, Colorado. In addition to the presentations listed here, we will have some exciting demos, products and capabilities being featured at our Booth 8030.
NEW and LIVE: 220 GHz Single-Sweep Broadband Solution with Auto RF Capability – a joint development with our partners Keysight, DMPI and VDI.
LIVE: EPS200MMW with Modular RF Application Layers – Easily swap between frequency bands and simplify measurements with Velox for Manual Probe Stations.
EXPERTS representing our CRYOGENIC products for QUANTUM research and commercialization:
Come see us at Booth 8030 and bookmark your show agenda for the following presentations:
Formfactor have shown previously our Autonomous RF Measurement assistant using LRRM Calibration. Autonomous RF is used to manage the entire test flow for thermal and ambient testing. This includes the full automated calibration, monitoring to prevent measurement drift, adjustment of probe spacing to account for growth and adjust probing geometries to deal with devices of different layout. In this talk we will discuss the use of this approach with regard to doing MLTRL calibrations with this approach instead both off and on wafer. We will also show interaction between WinCal, python and analytical approach to evaluate the calibration repeatability.
Robust maturation of cryogenic electronics has been limited by the lack of high-throughput measurement capabilities, especially for electronics that operate at 4 K. Automated on-wafer probing to characterize the dc and RF performance of components and complete circuits has been a critical element in the development of room temperature electronics. We report here the development of a fully automated wafer prober that operates with the wafer cooled to a temperature of 4 K and has the ability to null the ambient magnetic field to below 100 nT, which is important for measuring superconducting circuits with the wafer prober.
Until recently, quantum engineers operating devices at milli-Kelvin temperatures are faced with the difficulties and inconveniences of long development cycles. The major bottlenecks include time-consuming wire bonding, expensive packaging processes prior to device cooldown, and long cooldown times for dilution refrigerators. This workshop presents an integrated measurement solution for Pre-Screening qubit devices, allowing quantum engineers to eliminate wire-bonding and packaging from cryogenic test processes and to provide critical qubit performance parameters at 50 mK, thus streamlining device deployment, and reducing the time for development cycles.
Measurements beyond conventional coaxial limits often means more frequent changes to the banded setup. For some time there have been requests to enable measurements to go all the way to 220 GHz in a single sweep with performance levels equivalent to conventional coaxial approaches. In this presentation we will show the new optimised single sweep solution with some initial measurements. We will also present typical analytical approaches to evaluate the performance of the system using python and Wincal. We will also show the new storage pod design to enable quick and safe band swaps if needed beyond 220GHz.
Quantum computing will likely utilize numerous new technologies which operate at different cryogenic temperatures. For example, a quantum computer might deploy CMOS memory modules at 77 K, superconducting control chips at 4K, and a quantum processing unit (QPU) at less than 20 mK. To develop and deploy these various subsystems and technologies, it is vital to reliably and efficiently test and measure them at or near their operating temperatures.
Hope to see you in Denver!