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EyePass Probe Design Capture & Request for Quote

EyePass Design Capture

Design Capture Details

Assign a name (16 characters max.) to this design to help distinguish it from others in the future.
Your design name will appear on the probe label.
Specify the total number of contacts (including skips) for this probe.

Configure Your Contacts

The configuration code defines what function you want for each contact. Imagine you are looking at the probe through a microscope in its functional position with the tip pointing away from you. Enter the functions desired for each contact, proceeding from left to right.

Configuration Codes:

  • P = Power
  • P' = EyePass Power
  • 'P = EyePass Power
  • G = Ground
  • L = Logic (500 MHz max)
  • X = No Contact (contact removed)

Configuration codes may not start or end with 'X'

P'G or P'P for Eye-Pass bypass (P'G recommended)

Low Impedance Power Bypassing options:

  • Standard Low Impedance P line includes 10 nF cap in series with a 2.7 ohm resistor to ground
  • The EyePass High-Performance option, adds an additional 450 pF cap at the tips to the closest ground
  • P = Equals standard low impedance power bypassing type contact
  • 'P or P' = High-Performance low impedance EyePass pass low impedance power bypassing option (adds 450 pF cap)

Note: The prime symbol ' should be placed on the side of the P line, facing the closest ground contact (e.g., P'P'G or G'P'P)

Unity Probe Design Sample

Probe Tip Material and Pitch

Tip Material & Pitch Key

  • BeCu - Beryllium Copper (recommended for gold pads)
  • W - Tungsten (recommended for aluminum pads)
  • Pitch - center to center spacing of contacts in um (microns)
If you would like multiple quantities of this specific probe design select it here.


  1. Tool (Optional):
    Cable insertion/removal tool PN 162-230 is suggested for this product and will be included in your quote unless you specify otherwise in the Build Instructions section below.
  2. Cables Required:
    Based on your selected configuration, you require the following:
    PN 147-295 (3)

Cable costs will be included in your quote unless you specify otherwise in the Build Instructions section below.

0 of 1500 max characters
Specify any special instructions, notes or comments above.